

Sustainability and social commitment are firmly anchored in Schöffel's philosophy and are implemented as a continuous process.This means that it is not the achievements that come first, but the efforts to constantly improve.

Transparent supply chain

Textile supply chains are characterised by high complexity. Therefore, the understanding of our own supply chain is a basic prerequisite for us to be able to shape it sustainably. We publish detailed information on our production partners in our Sustainability Report.

Our production facilities


The majority of technical, functional clothing and its components now comes from Asia. Over the past few decades, this is where technical expertise in high-quality textile processing has converged and production takes place under economically viable conditions. Profitable business is vital for the success of a company and therefore also for its employees.

The significance of this extends fur ther still: after all, only economically successful companies will have enough room to manoeuvre to turn traditional values and sustainable goals into reality. Schöffel is active in Asia, Europe and Afrika with various sites and works alongside its local production partners.

Statement on our ongoing commitment in Ukraine

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine remains a deep concern for us as a value-orientated family business. We condemn the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The people in Ukraine have our full sympathy and solidarity. We feel a special responsibility for the sewing workers who manufacture products for us via our production partner Spectre in Chernihiv (northern Ukraine).

Due to safety concerns, the production with our long-standing partner Spectre in Chernihiv in northern Ukraine was temporarily discontinued in 2022. This decision was a direct response to the danger the employeeson site were exposed. In July 2022, we were able to resume production under strict safety precautions and after a thorough risk assessment. In doing so, we ensured that the factory is located at a safe distance from the main conflict zones and that protective measures for the workforce have been implemented.

In 2023, we continued our commitment and support for Spectre and the factory in Chernihiv. Despite the ongoing challenges, we have maintained production at an adjusted level to ensure continued employment and income for the employees. We remain in close dialogue with the factory, our production partner Spectre and competitors to monitor the situation in the best possible way and be able to react (proactively) to changes. In addition, we organized an audit in 2023 to check the compliance with labour standards in detail. Based on this, we support our production partner in the implementation of improvement measures. We continue to monitor the safety situation closely and assess the situation on site at regular intervals.

Statement on Production in Myanmar

Schöffel has been producing in Myanmar since the end of 2017 and works with two long-term partners. Due to the critical situation in the country following the military coup in February 2021, we are monitoring developments on the ground more closely than before.

Given the ongoing critical situation and increasing challenges in Myanmar, Schöffel has now decided, after thorough examination, to withdraw gradually and responsibly from Myanmar. Schöffel continues to perform due diligence in the factories of its production partners. This involves a multi-layered approach that includes close collaboration with production partners, third-party audits and frequent factory visits by Schöffel's local technician. An essential part of these efforts is also the collaboration with local organizations such as the membership at EuroCham Myanmar and the participation in MADE in Myanmar. This allows for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the situation in the country and at the factory level through information from producers, independent organizations, and Schöffel's own presence on the ground.

As a member of Fair Wear, Schöffel adheres to their stringent requirements for production in Myanmar and regularly reports on its efforts and the progress made to the organization.

Read the full statement on the production in Myanmar in the sustainability report 2023.

Fair Wear

At Schöffel, we work consistently with our production partners to implement high social standards in production. Fair Wear has been a strong partner at our side since 2011. Fair Wear is a non-profit, independent organization that is committed to improving working conditions in the garment industry. As a member, we are committed to the implementation of the Fair Wear Code of Labour Practices in the production sites of our partners and thus continuously improving working conditions. Once a year, our activities are thoroughly reviewed by Fair Wear as part of the Brand Performance Check. 



The partnership between the company and the Fair Wear Foundation based on the “Code of Labour Practices”. These eight social standards are derived from the ILO Convention and the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. The FWF Code of Labour Practice is therefore based on internationally recognised standards discussed at tripartite meetings.


Transparency and responsibility - two important factors in the production process.

The current Sustainability Report 2023 provides a lot of information about our production process. With the support of the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF), we are working on high social standards in production; responsibly, and in trusting cooperation with our long-term partners in the production countries.

Download our Sustainability Report 2023 as a pdf file here:



In addition to all efforts in the social field, environmental protection is another pillar of the CR strategy, which Schöffel vigorously pursues.


Since 2015, Schöffel has been supporting the multistakeholder initiative, German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, to improve labour conditions in textile production by ensuring fair purchasing terms and conditions, secure jobs, working for a living wage and resource-efficient production.

The Schöffel collections are free from PFC. Selected products with GORE-TEX® are free from ecologically harmful PFCs, meaning they are PFCEC-free.



There's so much talk about PFCs. But what exactly are they? And are these substances harmful to humans and the environment? How does Schöffel deal with these chemicals and where are our limits?

What are PFCs?
PFC is the abbreviation for per- and polyfl uorinated chemicals, which comprise more than 3,000 different substances. They are not natural and are hardly biodegradable. This means that PFCs remain in the environment for a very long time. Some PFCs become enriched in nature and in organisms, and can be regarded as being of concern. They are therefore under strict observation, and in some cases banned. Yet PFCs are still being used because of their special proper ties. They are water-, grease-, and oil-repellent, and chemically and thermally stable. So they are used in a wide range of consumer goods such as cooking utensils, pizza boxes, sticky labels, and textiles. Whenever PFCs are mentioned, the first point to clarify is exactly which group of these chemicals is being discussed. The outdoor clothing industry usually talks of fluoro-organic compounds, which are applied to textiles in various processes to make them water-, dirt-, and oil-repellent. Properties that are essential in the quality of hard-wearing, weatherproof outdoor products.

Schöffel’s use of PFCs
As a medium-sized company, the production of high-quality, functional outdoor and ski clothing with a long lifetime and permanent quality is a natural commitment for Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH. It is particularly important to us to keep the use of chemicals as low as possible in the manufacture of our products.

The use of PFCs has hitherto been necessary in order to offer the end user permanent protection against the elements of nature. Schöffel spent many years working on alternatives – with success. Today, Schöffel has materials that eliminate the need for PFCs in its brand products. And do so with no loss in the customary high quality or performance of the clothing. Selected products with GORE-TEX® have a PFCEC-free (PFC environmental concern free) finish. Non-water-soluble, ecologically safe PFCs are also used for the membrane. For us as the Schöffel company, the topic of hazardous substance management is tremendously important. That is why we have been working with the bluesign® system since 2013 and adhere to the limits, which are extremely strict and much more stringent than the legal requirements of the EU Chemicals Regulation REACH. We reach the limits with products that are made to par ticularly strict requirements for special customers, such as the police and motorcycle clothing. Certain requirements such as dirt-repellent fabrics and oil resistance are mandator y for these types of fi nishes. Schöffel is not yet able to dispense entirely with the use of selected PFCs. Keeping them to a minimum is naturally a prime concern, and the company notes and adheres scrupulously to the legal requirements. Schöffel is also working on keeping the extent of their use to the absolute minimum while still ensuring the functionality and protection of the emergency personnel. At the same time, the company is also working on seeking options for reducing the use of PFCs in these areas.


Increased specifications for enhanced product safety

Sustainability is not just about maintaining social standards. Another equally important subject is the management of hazardous substances and chemicals in the value creation chain. Since the end of 2013, Schöffel has been working in partnership with Bluesign. Bluesign provides Schöffel with a comprehensive and well-founded system, which provides the basis for the continuous development of the company’s hazardous substance management to meet the needs of people and nature. Bluesign stipulates very strict statutory thresholds, which Schöffel as a system partner also imposes on its producers and suppliers in its own Restricted Substances List (RSL). This list names all the banned substances, which should not be used in the production of items of clothing, as well as those that are restricted to a maximum value. The RSL list sets out higher requirements than the EU “REACH” regulations for chemical substances.

By regularly carrying out independent sample testing, Schöffel ensures that the stipulated thresholds are complied with. In 2020, 35 models commissioned by Schöffel were assessed by eurofins WKS. The outdoor and ski expert also informs and supports its producers with a comprehensive producers’ manual on lawful and environmentally-friendly operations management. Moreover, in 2018 Schöffel organised a training programme carried out by UL, for all its Vietnamese producers, focussing on restricted substances. To support its producers and suppliers in the development or improvement of proper and environmentally sound operations, Schöffel sent them all a sample form for a chemicals inventory as well as training videos on chemical management. They were also all sent the guide "Avoiding hazardous chemicals in textiles supply chains" as accompanying information.


Ski and outdoor expert Schöffel has been producing technical, functional clothing, with a focus on quality and innovation, for more than 50 years.


Due to the specific functional requirements of materials, the use of natural fibres is minimal. All the same, Schöffel also sets high requirements for the selection of processed natural fibres.


Another natural fibre used by Schöffel in its production facilities is cotton. The use of Uzbek cotton is prohibited, since child and forced labour was used to harvest cotton in Uzbekistan. This goes against Schöffel’s basic principles.

Materials and products from the region Xinjiang, China
Due to recent reports of human rights violations in the Xinjiang region, there is a ban on the use of any material, including cotton, harvested, produced or processed in the region, as well as other products and services from the region.

Some items, such as buttons, can be made from the natural material wood. The wood used must not come from illegal timber harvests or HCVF forests (High Conservation Value Forests), such as rainforests.


When using animal fibres, the outdoor expert makes sure they are procured without causing the animals any pain. Schöffel respects the environment and supports animal protection. This means that only materials that come from sources where responsible, species-appropriate animal welfare is guaranteed are used to make Schöffel products.

All products must therefore be manufactured in accordance with the Five Freedoms for Animal Welfare developed by the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC). These are:

- Freedom from hunger and thirst

- Freedom from physical and thermal discomfort

- Freedom from pain, injury and disease

- Freedom to express normal behaviour

- Freedom from fear and distress

Sheep's wool
Schöffel also strictly ensures that no wool is used from sheep, which have been subjected to the mulesing process. Mulesing is the removal of strips of skin from around the breech of a sheep to prevent flystrike. The procedure is usually performed without anaesthetic.

Angora & Mohair
Schöffel does not use any mohair and angora fibres at all, since the species-appropriate welfare of angora rabbits and angora goats is often not guaranteed, and the removal of their hair takes place under painful conditions.

The use of real fur is also not allowed; only synthetic furs, which do not contain any animal parts, are used for Schöffel products. Schöffel also belongs to the Fur Free Retailer Programme (

The leather used in production may only be a by-product or waste product of the food industry or artificial leather. Only skins from animal species that are not threatened or protected may be used.

All down and feathers used in Schöffel products must be RDS certified. As a company, Schöffel attaches particular importance to animal welfare and by committing to the Responsible Down Standard (RDS) company certification, has taken a further step towards the responsible sourcing of down. This includes the supply chain, which means that only down from animal welfare-friendly farming is used for its products, starting with the animal farm and continuing all the way through to the actual processing of the down. The Responsible Down Standard (RDS) certifies down and feathers against animal welfare requirements and tracks it from farm to final product. Products certified to the Responsible Down Standard (RDS) contain down or feathers from farms certified to animal welfare requirements. The certification process is carried out and constantly monitored by the Control Union testing institute. The purchase of Responsible Down Standard (RDS) certified products demonstrates demand for animal welfare practices in the down and feather supply chain. 



Schöffel uses lyocell as an especially ecological alternative to conventional man-made fibres and cotton. The environmentally-friendly, resource-saving production of this material is reflected in the outdoor products and thus is a further step towards sustainability.

What is lyocell?
Lyocell is a fibre that is made industrially from natural raw materials. It is often based on the raw material wood, such as eucalyptus, oak and birch that is obtained from sustainably managed forests. The main raw material for lyocell is therefore cellulose, and so it can be regarded as a recycled or regenerated fibre. These plants grow without artificial irrigation, and thus the farming saves resources and is kind to the environment. It also requires far less water than does the conventional production of cotton, for instance. The process is called the direct solvent process. The production process is considered far more eco-friendly than that for other regenerated fibres such as viscose due to the environmentally-friendly solvent and closed material cycle. Schöffel also uses lyocell fibres by Lenzing AG which bear the registered brand name TENCEL™, but also have the same characteristics.


As a move towards further progress in sustainability, Schöffel uses the environmentally-friendly S.Café® technology. Once treated as a waste material, coffee grounds are now used in the production of fabrics that form the base for precision- designed multifunctional sportswear. This innovation not only gives the coffee bean itself a longer lifespan, but also optimally supports athletes in their performance – however challenging the activities may be. As a result, the constantly renewable raw material naturally fulfils the high quality requirements for a textile component.

What is S.Café®?
S.Café® is a technical fibre composite made of polyester fibres. Coffee oil is obtained from coffee grounds, the waste product that is left over when coffee is prepared by the traditional method. This oil is then mixed with a granulate that is essentially the spinning nozzle liquid. The polyester is given the improved properties of this special technology, such as optimised odour neutralisation and the natural antibacterial effect. The S.Café yarn is then made from the spinning nozzle liquid and used to produce fabrics that form the base in the production of garments.


Progress – that's what Schöffel is all about. The company is also constantly working on further development in the field of sustainability. Schöffel uses the innovative membrane AIRMEM™ in conjunction with S.Café®. This also furthers the standard of textiles in terms of functionality and quality. With this membrane, the constantly renewable raw material coffee meets Schöffel's high quality requirements naturally and provides the optimum support for users in their activities – no matter how challenging.

What is AIRMEM™?
Like S.Café®, AIRMEM™ is based on coffee grounds, supposedly a waste product that is left over when coffee is made from beans. In the first step, coffee oil is obtained from this residue. This recycled resource can then be used not only as usual by the cosmetics industry, but is also the basis for the production of the lightweight membrane. And replaces 25% of the usual raw material, petroleum. AIRMEM™ combines advanced material technology with more environmentally-friendly manufacturing.

Using energy more wisely

Environmental Management at the Schwabmünchen site

Schöffel has been headquartered in Schwabmünchen since 1804. Its long history in the local area has made the company particularly conscious of its responsibility towards its immediate environment. That’s why Schöffel attaches great importance to saving resources in its business operations.

The current headquarters on the outskirts of the city were moved into in 1980 and have been continuously expanded and remodeled since then.

In 2011, the largest expansion to date of the production and work facilities took place. Schöffel has been purchasing 100% climate-neutral green gas for heating at the Schwabmünchen location since 2019. An extension of almost 950 square metres uses a modern concrete core activation system for heating and cooling the building. This innovative method exploits the potential of the building’s ceiling and walls to store thermal energy and therefore keep the interior at an optimum ambient temperature. Part of the concept also applies to a water circuit: the concrete core activation draws water from a specifically created well into the company premises. This initially keeps the server room cool and is then fed – several degrees warmer – into the heating system. The water is then directed back to the well. This concept not only saves on energy used for heating, it also replaces an air conditioning system and therefore saves additional energy. The key feature here is that the water is not used up but stays in the circuit. At the same time as the extension work, the existing photovoltaic system, which produces about 31,000 kWh of electricity each year, was renewed.

Since 2016, the subsidiary in Schwabmünchen has exclusively been using electricity from regenerative hydropower from the regional energy supplier LEW from Augsburg. The Schöffel- LOWA own retail stores also use electricity supplied by LEW natural sources – a service from which franchise partners can also benefit. In 2016, the new Development Centre was opened following extensive renovation work to the former warehouse. Covering an area of more than 600 square metres, the centre includes 26 modern workstations at which the Product Management, Design and Technical Development departments work together on developing future collections.

The Development Centre has an open-plan atmosphere with rooms flooded with natural light from large windows and skylights. Lounge corners known as “coffices” make it possible for employees to plug in their laptops and work in a relaxed atmosphere so that they can achieve the best results. Mountain scenes on the walls and a tree planted in the middle of the building ensure the outdoor theme is always present and add to the working atmosphere
